I took a memory chip out of my camera yesterday, to use it in another camera, and I forgot to put it back in. (In case you're wondering, my ancient 'digital box brownies' are different. One has a sport setting, one doesn't, so I alternate between the two)
Anyway, I found ten snaps from the bar we encamped in the night before our match with Namur, which I'd snapped without a chip. This camera allows ten photos in the memory of the thing, without a chip.
I'd forgotten all about them, and only stumbled across them yesterday, so here are-rather late than never-my last photos from our wonderful tour to Namur!
Danuta on Coca-Cola again, making sure Nicolas gets home
in one piece!
Hutty takes on the ambassadorial role again.
And Andy has no shame at all trying to chat up Danuta!
Is that really Phil taking some money out of his pocket,
or is he trying to 'pocket' some of the whip?
Mick seems to be enjoying himself, Steve doesn't look so
happy mixing with the management to be...
The smiles soon disappear as Steve goes on about the bloody
council again. Leave it! we're on holiday!
Phil get stuck into the reason for being on board. Only here
for the beer...with a bit of football thrown in!
Griff struggles with his camera...and asks a man with one
eye. Oh dear! And while Hutty's otherwise engaged Phil gets
ready to swipe his beer...
Griff works out what to do, while Phil goes into 'no publicity'
Nice shirt Phil, anyone collect badges?
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