Darren enjoys the half time oranges, before realising there's no vodka with them!
Allez Namur! Nicolas dons the new Namur kit for next season, while Stephane wears a sexier Pink 'n' Blue number!
Phil at his happiest...beer in hand!
Is that really proper refreshment between games...tea?
Part of the tournament BBQ! It looks delicious, but by the time I'd remembered about it, it had all sold out! Doh!
Hutty making a bit of a tit of himself!
Well if the Ing-er-lund team can have WAGs at World Cups, why can't we in Brussels?
That's Danuta, Jane & Melanie.
Waiter service for Matt!
Oi girls! The half time oranges were supplied for the players, not you!
Matt comes joint first in the 'Fat Keeper' competition!
Somehow I don't think you're going to need that sun tan lotion, Andy!
Darren kipping again, after he slept in earlier!
Phil tries to (re)capture his 'yoof'! Once a chav always a chav, I suppose...
What is it with old people making fools of themselves?
Wakey, wakey Darren! some local bloke wants to practice his English on you!
The 'Booze Brothers'!
Have a look at the old scoreboard...
This is what we could've won!
Mick presents a Hamlet 1937 TOFFS shirt to Fabrizio, the tournament organiser.
Relaxing in an Irish pub, in the centre of town.
This,erm, 'establishment' just happened to be right next door to Matt & Phil's hotel!
Finally, the proud management duo with the team awards. A big thank you to them both for arranging the tour. Roll on Helsinki next month!
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