If you look down the links on the right hand side of this blog you may notice that a lot more have been added!
The vast majority are about football, many non-league, and plenty about grounds! There's also some blogs from other clubs out there. And, hopefully, some weird and wonderful eccentric sites. I've also added some from local sports clubs; and others that will be of interest to those interested in London in general.
It's not a 'definitive list', or anything that remotely resembles a rational choice.
Truth is it's me indulging myself in trying to find sites that I like, & as a bit of a bonus think you will enjoy.
If there's more you want added feel free to let me know & I will.
And in case you're wondering...no I haven't looked at them all in depth.
They're just a selection, and I will keep on adding to them over the next few weeks, & months, so expect the 'recommendations' to grow!
As I said...enjoy!
And if there's a site from a particular club or country that you follow then let me know & I'll add it just for you!
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